Commercial Directors (Part-time)
A part-time resource with all the benefits of a full-time employee without the cost and risk
Every MD/CEO we have ever met is too busy, to an unhealthy level. What they need, more than anything else, is someone (operating at Director level) to drive growth and support you take the company to the next level.
This is exactly what a part-time outsourced Commercial Director can deliver for you. They will also ease your time pressures, support your manager’s step up, and can be pulled in for additional days if needed on specific projects or grant applications for example.
This is a cost-effective, flexible resource, that provides you with a trusted third party you can speak with about anything. Based in your office they quickly become part of your team, join the dots, and drive growth.
Are you experiencing growing pains?
Just because you are still a small business should not be a barrier to getting the correct expertise you need, so that you can get past those growing pains you are feeling. These growing pains may include:
Direction – Where is your company going, what is it your customers want and what do you want? How will this translate into how your company operates and what your team does in the future?
Growth – What should your focus on for growth in the future? Is it about increasing revenues, building asset value, or reducing costs that give you greater profits?
Execution – What is it you need to do to deliver the future you want and in what order do you do things? How do you manage this change and make the future more predictable?
Team – Your team is growing and some have now stepped up to management positions. However, they are unsure what that involves. They need help and guidance to continue growing your company.
Pivot – If you keep doing what you have always done competitors will overtake you. You don’t want to pivot/change and don’t know how to innovate.
Time – As your company has grown you have employed staff to help out. Despite the new hires, there is still too much on your plate and the overwhelm is disheartening and frustrating.
A structured approach to take your business to the next level
Your own in-house Commercial Director will take a step-by-step approach to strategically identify the growth opportunities that will bring a step-change in your business.
Clarification on where you are going and how you will get there so that resources are focused on mission-critical work.
Listening to what your stakeholders really want and converting it into tangible business goals everyone can get behind.
An in-depth analysis that leaves no stone unturned, showing how the money will happen and your focus for the greatest cash benefit.
Developing and enabling a high-performance team to accelerate growth and align work with your strategic business goals.
Agility & Risk
Constantly reviewing the strategy for faster ways to your goals, management, and removal of risks and blocks.
Creating the environment, context, and messaging that drives change across your business and will ensure your business success.
Giving you information at your fingertips to make business decisions with ease and plan for the months and years ahead.
Supporting you with executive coaching, fielding team questions, and taking on some of your tasks to ease your workload.
The approaches used by our team of Commercial Directors vary. However, one thing they all have in common is that they bring a strategic element to your business that focuses on things that deliver a step change. They work with your team integrating everything they do across your departments and joining up the dots to generate greater growth. For more details contact us today for a chat to see what we could do for you.
What you can expect from your own Commercial Director
Your Commercial Director can perform a whole host of tasks that are sitting on your desk or strategic work your management team is unable to do. The first thing we do is understand exactly what you are looking for in terms of commercial support. This may include some of the items from the list below.
- Working closely with you, the CEO, to assume commercial responsibility
- Strategy development and execution
- Driving change with a commercial focus
- Identifying, nurturing, and closing high value (complex) enterprise deals
- Develop and implement new sales strategies
- Budgeting, forecasting, and analysis to establish a commercially strong position
- A “hands-on approach” and “leading from the front” to set the tone, and standard
- Strategic support for your senior team, to integrate work with the overall strategy
- Coaching and training of team members
- Supporting your managers to identify opportunities to deliver greater value to customers
- Identification of new markets and changes required to generate new revenues from them
- Pickup and lead on special projects
- Continuous improvement of commercial processes and systems
- Support or lead on grant funding applications
- And other areas identified by you now, or as work progresses
Pricing: Varies depending on the team member you are looking to bring on board. Please contact us for a quote.
How does your part-time Commercial Director compare?
Outsourced Commercial Director
Your part-time outsourced Commercial Director comes with an objective eye as they are separate from your team/company and provide constructive challenges to processes. They can flex to provide extra support as you need it and they come with lots of different experiences that can bring innovative thinking and solutions.
You only pay them for the work they do. As you get busier you can easily increase their time or as you get quieter you can reduce it, and there are no recruitment fees.
Employed Commercial Director
With a full-time employed Commercial Director you must provide them with full-time work, PAYE, holiday entitlement, sick pay and supply them with resources like a car, laptop, and mobile, not to mention all the other oncosts and a £100K+ salary.
Longer-term you may have legal obligations around unfair dismissal, statutory redundancy pay, statutory maternity/paternity leave and you will be expected to provide them with training and personal development.
What are you waiting for?
With no long-term commitment and no minimum days, you can get started with your new Commercial Director today. Contact us today for a quote.
Secure your Commercial Director today
Contact us today on 07779 942033 and tell us what you want your Commercial Director to do and achieve in your business.